Sweet = Soft Wearable Technology
Sweet is a project of wearable technology that takes advantage of smart phones and GPS system
1scale1 is (was?) a design studio that focuses on interaction and physical computing. Sweet is a project of wearable technology that takes advantage of smart phones and GPS system. The project included the interface design, as well as logo and graphic assets.
The name Sweet stands for S.oft WE.arable (E) T.echonolgy.

The application for Sweet allows the user to place different kinds of sensors on an outfit in the main panel, simulating a hypothetical real wearable. By moving the mouse closer and closer to the sensors, they will be triggered and activated with increased intensity. Moving from one sensor to the other will generate a pattern on how these sensors will be working.
The pattern can be easily editable by adjusting its waves in the lower panel.
The resulting pattern can be uploaded on the phone, which will be sending the signals to the sensors spread on the wearable.
Below are some of the icons designed for the application.